7 Amazing Apps Your Employees Can Streamline Orders With

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    There are a lot of apps designed for restaurant managers and operators to be more productive. In fact, a quick Google search yields ~700,000 results aimed at providing information on apps to help you work smarter, faster, or more efficiently.

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    But what about your staff? All of this attention is being paid to restaurateurs but are there apps built specifically for employees to help them excel in their own roles? For example, are there apps to help your staff keep track of their shifts or daily tasks? What about apps to gain knowledge on  topics such as spoilage or safe food handling?

    As a restaurateur, it’s important to know about apps which will benefit your staff. Anything that helps your employees be more successful in their own jobs will improve your business in the long run. Remember - empowered and successful employees leads to an empowered and successful restaurant!

    Here are seven essential mobile apps you should tell your restaurant staff to check out:

    Revolution Ordering's Connect

    Revolution Ordering offers an order insertion app called Connect, which streamlines all of your marketplace orders into a single dashboard. You and your staff no longer need to keep tabs on every single third-party ordering app, like Google Food, DoorDash, and GrubHub.

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    As Instant’s tagline reads, “Imagine a world where you get paid everyday.” Instant is a fintech company which allows shift work employees to get paid out instantly at the end of every shift using their app. The best part is it works outside of your existing payroll solution, which makes implementation a breeze for managers. In addition, paying your employees with Instant allows you to reduce your operational costs associated with payroll.

    Android | iOS | Cost: free

    Google Keep

    A less-known Google suite product ‘Keep’ allows users to create and share different kinds of notes; including text, lists, images, and audio. Users can set reminders, and text from images can be extracted and turned into editable text. For employees, Keep is a great way to err, keep, track of the various tasks they are responsible for during their shift. Since notes can be shared with managers, this is a great way to ensure you know what tasks  were completed and when. Additionally, Keep is a great way for you and your restaurant vendors to share information back and forth between orders, especially if you have already streamlined your supplier management with an app such as BlueCart.

    Android | iOS | Cost: free

    NLRB Guide

    Just as it’s important for restaurant operators to know and understand labor regulations, it’s equally crucial for staff to understand how these regulations affect them as well. This handy guide from the National Labor Relations Board provides practical information in an easy to search format. It provides information on working regulations on a state-by-state basis so employees can quickly see how laws apply to them, their work, your management, and your business.

    Android | iOS | Cost: free


    One of the most common stressors for those who work in restaurants is knowing when they’re scheduled! This handy app allows managers to quickly enter staff schedules online which are instantly viewable by staff so they always know when they work. Staff can share their availability and time off preferences while receiving alerts prior to their shift starting. The app also allows managers and employees to chat with each other in real time without having to have a contact list or call the restaurant.

    Android | iOS | Cost: free

    Food Safety Prep Test

    Perfect for those starting their restaurant career, this app reinforces knowledge of safe food preparation, food storage, and kitchen practices. It also includes knowledge on U.S. legal food handling procedures. This app was designed to meet requirements of 4 of the top national food safety courses and provides everyone with a foundational understanding of safe food handling. This app is great to share with your suppliers and vendors so you can all work towards food safety goals together.

    Android | iOS | Cost: $5

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    This one is aimed squarely at FOH staff, but is usable by anyone receiving tips as part of their compensation. ServerLife is a tip tracker enabling staff to record tips as they earn them so the total is in their pocket at the end of the shift. ServerLife also keeps track of tips on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis so they always know the total of what was earned.

    Android | iOS | Cost: free

    About the Author: Chris de Jong is the Marketing Lead for 7shifts, an employee scheduling app designed for restaurant based in beautiful Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He works with the rest of the 7shifts team to help their customers all over the world save time scheduling, reduce labor costs, and improve communication in their businesses.

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