Ridge Produce has positioned itself to be the produce supply company of exceptional quality for premier New York restaurants. We have a substantial warehouse of garden-fresh produce, a sizable fleet of refrigerated trucks, more than 40 staff members, more than 20 years of experience, and extensive commercial and trade contacts in the fresh produce industry. Our customers have a long-standing with us, benefit from competitive prices, and enjoy superior service and regular, reliable deliveries.
"Like with most new things, we were a little apprehensive about using BlueCart in fear of losing the everyday verbal connections we’ve established with our clients through the years. As we’ve proceeded forward, however, it became apparent that BlueCart was the missing link our company was in need of."

Before using Blue Cart we had problems integrating other platforms with our proprietary software. We also had issues getting new customers to use our previous ordering platform. With BlueCart its much easier to use internally now and our customers prefer using BlueCart over our old ordering system.
"BlueCart does not compromise our client list like most other ordering platforms and gives us the tools we need to grow our business.”
Orders are now entered directly into our systems thanks to BlueCart. It’s almost like the customer is hand picking their own orders. All we have to do is deliver.