How Long Does Beef Tallow Last: 5 Beef Tallow Storage Tips

Lauren Platero
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    When asking, “How long does beef tallow last,” the answer might surprise you! After all, consumers and restaurant industry professionals are so used to hearing that after just a week or so, meat products must be disposed of. That’s if they’re not frozen, of course. On the other hand, tallow is very different!

    In this blog, we’re going to discuss all you need to know about the shelf life of beef tallow, standard beef tallow storage requirements, and everything in between. Read on!

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    How Long Does Beef Tallow Last?

    Beef tallow can have a shelf life of up to one year when kept in a cool and dark storage space, far from excessive exposure to air. However, if you decide to keep tallow on hand for more than a year, it can stay in the freezer for much longer. 

    Since tallow is made from rendered fat or “suet” from cattle, it doesn’t have the same time-sensitive shelf life as meat products. Many consumers and brand owners alike are under the impression that since it comes directly from an animal, it must remain frozen or refrigerated to remain safe for consumption. However, that is simply not the case. 

    How to Store Beef Tallow: 5 Tips

    Learning how to make beef tallow is easy. But did you know that beef tallow storage requirements are just as simple? With the following tips, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of tallow for as long as possible. Read on!

    1. Add Labels to Each Container

    One of the best beef tallow storage tips is to keep track of expiration dates. After rendering the suet and storing the tallow after it cools, place a label on each container with the date. This way, you’ll know that after one year, you’ll have to dispose of the ingredient.

    Knowing where to buy beef tallow that lasts a long time is super important amongst consumers. So, it’s crucial that your products display accurate expiration dates. Or, at least an accurate expiry symbol–you know, the little jar icon featuring the number of months the product is good for. Upon packaging fresh tallow, double-check that the expiration date on the container lines up with what you recorded upon rendering the suet.

    Companies that sell wholesale products, such as beef tallow, need to buy labels, jars, and shipping materials in bulk. Luckily, BlueCart is a platform that can connect buyers and sellers on both sides of the transaction. Schedule a demo today to learn all about the platform!

    2. Opt for Refrigeration 

    Restaurant equipment and appliances will certainly come in handy when storing large quantities of beef tallow. Though you don’t have to keep it in a refrigerator, keeping it cool can allow it to stay fresh. Just keep in mind that even if you’re storing beef tallow in the fridge, all the other rules we’re discussing in this post still apply.

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    3. Store In Cool and Dark Places

    To preserve beef tallow for as long as possible, keep it in a cool to room temperature environment. Anything below 72 degrees should be okay. Not only can exposing beef tallow to heat cause it to spoil quickly, but it can also cause it to melt. This risk isn’t a huge deal when cooking with beef tallow. However, if you’re producing beef tallow for skin products, a change in consistency can alter the entire formula. 

    A dark environment is just as important as a cool one, too. Excessive exposure to light can degrade the product. Over time, this factor can cause the tallow to spoil at a quicker rate. And if there’s one thing you want to avoid at all costs, it’s food spoilage

    4. Only Use Airtight Containers

    If beef tallow is exposed to air for too long, it can spoil sooner than later. That’s why your beef tallow storage containers should never be flimsy. While you might notice less restrictive types of packaging for items like butter, tallow does not follow the same set of rules. In fact, there are many distinctions between tallow vs lard

    Airtight Tupperware and mason jars make for great beef tallow storage options. It’s also ideal if you can get a hold of glass wholesale packaging. For one, glass containers can be expensive, so it’s better to buy them in bulk at a discounted price. But more important than that, glass jars are more sustainable and don’t consist of harmful chemicals like plastic can.

    5. Freeze Anything You Have Leftover

    Ever end up with excessive amounts of beef tallow? If so, don’t let it go to waste! Instead, store it in the freezer for future use. Freezing tallow is like freezing anything else, whether it be frozen fruit or the best frozen dinner brands. In other words, the preservation process is the same across the board. 

    When the time comes that you’re ready to use or sell the tallow that you originally had left over, simply remove it from the freezer. Then, all you have to do is let it defrost. Just make sure that you properly record when the tallow was made, frozen, and removed from the freezer. If not, the shelf life will be very uncertain.

    Frequently Asked Questions About How Long Does Beef Tallow Last

    Raising the question, “How long does beef tallow last” is important for a number of reasons. For one, it provides insight into the safety concerns surrounding such products. As a result, the ability to identify one safe batch of tallow from one that isn’t is a must for health and safety risks. Not just for those who operate an eatery or packaged food brand, but wellness companies, too. So, without further ado, learn more about it in the FAQ section below!

    Does Beef Tallow Need to Be Refrigerated?

    No, beef tallow does not have to be refrigerated! It can last for several months to a year when kept in a room-temperature environment. Just make sure that you don’t expose it to extreme heat. If you do, it can melt or spoil quicker than it would otherwise.

    Does Beef Tallow Go Bad?

    Yes, beef tallow will begin to go bad after about a year in storage. When kept at room temperature, in a dark area, and within an airtight container, tallow has a pretty lengthy shelf life. But like most edible ingredients, it will eventually turn rancid.

    How Will I Know If Beef Tallow Has Gone Bad?

    You’ll know if beef tallow has gone bad based on its color, scent, texture, and flavor. Fresh beef tallow should have a mild meaty aroma, a subtle flavor, a smooth texture, and pure white hue. If tallow differs in one of these four categories, it’s time to toss it in the trash.

    Can I Freeze Beef Tallow?

    Yes, if you buy or produce beef tallow in bulk, feel free to store it in a freezer. Just ensure that the container is airtight so that nothing contaminates it. Typically, beef tallow will last you about a year. But when freezing it, you can get a lot more mileage out of it.

    How Do You Store Tallow for a Long Time?

    If you’d like to store tallow for an extended period of time, make sure that it’s away from heat and direct sunlight. It’s also vital that you keep it in a container with an airtight lid. Exposure to the elements can cause the decomposition process of tallow to expedite.

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    Storage Tips for Lasting Products

    Knowing the answer to “How long does beef tallow last?” is crucial information to know. Whether you’re adding it for cooking or in beauty products, tallow will absorb into the body. So, it’s vital that you’re able to identify an expired batch of beef tallow. With these tips, you should be able to guarantee the safety and integrity of the ingredient.

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